A Novel Idea

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A Novel Idea
By Daniel Boucher

As seen in Main Street Magazine

Jeremy Robinson is the author of five novels: THE DIDYMUS CONSPIRACY, RAISING THE PAST, ANTARKTOS RISING, KRONOS, and his latest and first hardback release, PULSE.

Born in Beverly Massachusetts, Jeremy began his career as a writer and illustrator for comic books and comic strips. During this time, he created his own original comic strip RALPH. Feeling limited with the simple words and images of comics, he moved on to writing screenplays and producing short films—two of which have aired on television—where he added a new element to his work: sound. He and his wife moved to Los Angeles where he landed an internship with Feigen/Parrent Literary Management and wrote five screenplays, six film treatments, a novel, and two non-fiction books. After two and a half years and securing several contacts in the area, he determined it was no longer a necessity to live in LA and decided to take up residence in New Hampshire, where the quiet and fresh air would better serve his writing.

The first book of Jeremy’s I read was KRONOS, a memorable story about a father’s love for his daughter and the lengths he’s willing to go to and prove it. When I finished it, the first thing I thought was that I didn’t remember reading it. What I mean by that is I was never bored; the pages seemed to disappear and were replaced with a movie screen in my head. Very few authors have ever read like this for me. Jeremy—at the time unknown to me—joined the ranks of Clive Cussler and Stuart Woods on my list of must read authors.

I met Jeremy for the first time at a signing for his novel KRONOS. There I learned of his fascination for creatures of legend and local folklore. He struck a chord with my son Domenick, who shared the same fascination. I also learned of his first hardback release with Thomas Dunne Books: PULSE. The first in a three book series that follows the adventures of The Chess Team. PULSE and Jeremy have had features on TheNovelBlog.com and can be purchased at http://www.bn.com/ or www.amazon.com.

From Jeremy’s work I’ve learned that he possesses a unique ability to take a creature of urban legend and intertwine it with natural history, weaving an incredible story of faith, love, and adventure.

From Massachusetts to Los Angeles to New Hampshire to his three beautiful children, Jeremy’s life has been an adventure. If you’re up for a great thrill ride take a moment and visit the world that is Jeremy Robinson.

Daniel S Boucher is the founder and creator of TheNovelBlog.com. For more reviews and interviews be sure and visit http://www.thenovelblog.com.