All About Sex

Sex Toy Quiz

How much do you know about sex toys?
Sex toys seem to be everywhere these days (you know they’re mainstream when Martha Stewart is talking about her favorite vibrators). And while it’s easier than ever to buy a sex toy, finding straightforward honest information about sex toys can still be tricky.

Phthalates are:
1. a) Scent oil molecules used in sex toys to give them artificial smells like strawberry or cherry.
b) A chemical compound used to soften hard plastics into soft rubber and jelly.
c) The viscous compound added to lubricant to keep it slippery.
d) Bacteria that can live on the surface of a dry sex toy.

2. True or False: The more you pay for a sex toy the better it is
a) True
b) False

3. Which vibrator was purchased by Charlotte on Sex in the City and resulted in her disappearing for the rest of the episode?
a) Jack Rabbit
b) Japanese Rabbit Pearl
c) Hitachi Magic Wand
d) Japanese Pocket Rocket

4. The world’s first sex toys were:
a) Hollowed out boxes filled with bees that would vibrate.
b) Metal balls used for vaginal insertion.
c) Bone carved anal beads.
d) Stone carved dildos.
e) Textured papyrus sheets used for clitoral stimulation

5. Which two things are necessary for an anal sex toy to be safe?
a) It must have a gradual increase in size and a flared base
b) It must be made of rubber and have no seams or sharp edges
c) It must be small and soft rubber
d) It must have a flared base and have no seams or sharp edges
e) It must be hard plastic and curved

6. Which of the following should not be used with silicone sex toys:
a) Water based lubricant
b) Oil based lubricant
c) Silicone based lubricant
d) Warming massage lotion
e) All of the above

7. According to a report by the Danish Environmental Protection Agency, how often can you safely use a dildo containing phthalates, providing you are not pregnant or breastfeeding?
a) 1 hour per month
b) 1 hour per week
c) 1 hour per day

8. True or False: Sex toys make sex less natural
a) False
b) True

9. True or false, you can become addicted to your vibrator?
a) True
b) False

10. According to most survey research, what percentage of the adult population has used a vibrator?
a) Less then 10%
b) 10-20%
c) 20-30%
d) 30-40%
e) More than 50%

1. The correct answer is "b". Phthalates are a chemical compound used to soften hard plastics into soft rubber and jelly. Derived from Phthalic acid, and often called a plasticizer for its plastic softening properties, phthalates have been produced since the 1920’s and have been used in everything from perfumes to pesticides and, of course, sex toys.

2. The correct answer is "b". In many stores more expensive vibrators will actually be better quality, but there are still sex stores that engage in “premium pricing” where they charge more simply to make you think the product is better quality.

3. The correct answer is "b". The buyers on the show must have known their stuff, since the toy Charlotte purchased was the Japanese Rabbit Pearl one of the most popular and well built dual actions vibrators in the business

4. The correct answer is "d". In 2006 archaeologists excavated what is now the oldest sex toy artifact, which was a sculpted and polished phallus that was representational in size and shape, and dated to be 28,000 years old.

5. The correct answer is "d". While all those elements might be desirable, for an anal sex toy to be safe it has to have a flared base and no seams or sharp edges

6. The correct answer is "c". Water based, oil based, and warming lotions are all safe to use with silicone sex toys (water based lubricants are the most recommended to use with toys). But most silicone lubricants will damage silicone sex toys.

7. The correct answer is "c". According to the Danish EPA, you can safely use a sex toy with phthalates for 1 hour per day, as long as you are not pregnant or breastfeeding.

8. The correct answer is "a". The idea of “natural sex” is arbitrary, particularly if you're talking about non-procreative sex that’s just about sexual pleasure. Good sex, natural sex, is anything that makes you feel good and that is consensual. Using sex toys is no less natural than listening to music while you have sex, or creating mood lighting for a romantic evening.

9. The correct answer is "b". It’s true that people can become used to using a vibrator, and may get into a sexual rut where they only use a vibrator, but it doesn’t constitute an addiction.

10. The correct answer is "c". The correct answer is between 20-30%. Mind you there has been almost no reliable academic research on sex toy use, so most of the data we have comes from surveys by women’s magazines and sex toy companies themselves, neither of which are completely reliable

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As seen in the February Issue of Main Street Magazine.
Printed in Canada, ISSN: 1920-4299 by Rain Enterprises

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