Featured Poet Hovig Takouchian

By Hovig Takouchian
As seen in "Pennies" section of Main Street Magazine November Issue

I walk alone in the cold unrelenting fog of the night.
Like a wounded animal suffering a short, painful plight.
Deep Inside.
A lost, fragile child is all I am.
The evil is so close.
Almost breaching.
Needing the faith that guides me.
Like a gentle touch.
It's there.
I can feel it reaching.
The souls I've seen are so deceiving.
Masked with sharp thorns, they plan and move.
All with a similar aim.
The one I'm after needs true believing.
Hard to see.
Like a diamond in the rough.
It's Not so easy to claim.
On top of the highest peak.
In a shrine all its own.
I get a glimpse of it.
Shining like the brightest flame.
Such a blinding light.
A beauty that was truly made for me.
It exhumes.
A glow that can be seen from outer space.
I approach this power and time ceases to exist.
I am frozen like a tree.
Peaceful and safe.
That's when I feel it's amazing grace.
With this angelic gift by my side.
The fog lifts and the warmth of the sunrise showers me with love.
This is the place.
All My wounds melt away like snow on a hot day and solitude becomes something of a distant memory.
Alone again, I will never feel.
Walking down the path. From now on there is only we.
To see you stray, that would be straight treachery.
I have found my life and all that I have ever dreamed.
Fear and pain.
These things I will only ever read in someone else’s story.

About the Author: The love of the written word has always been a part of my life and has played a significant role in shaping my earliest memories, as well as who I am today. I am of Armenian and German descent and was born in Beirut Lebanon from where my family immigrated to Canada in 1984. I have always had the yearning to express myself with poetry and falling truly in love for the first time has given me the inspiration and courage to let it come out.

Main Street Music Scene with D'Anise Kinsman

As seen in the November 2009 Issue

Singer: EMMA-LEE

By D’Anise Kinsman

How does ‘Romantic’ actually sound? The beauty of romance is something we seem to search for in life and after entering into the Hard Rock Café at the Annual TIFF Music Café in Toronto, I can actually now say “WOW, I’ve heard it!”

Every year for the past 5, The Canadian Music Café showcases some of the most incredible Canadian Talent during The Toronto Independent Film Festival (TIFF). Music Directors, Supervisors and Film Delegates from around the world gather round to enjoy the new music from our rising Canadian stars.

My Media Crew and I were there on the scene, capturing live performances and mingling through the crowds of today’s new music industry. Ms. Emma-Lee stepped up onto the stage. No flashy colours or fancy costumes, just a girl and her guitar. When Emma began to speak about one of the songs she was about to perform, I stopped dead in my tracks. She went on to tell the old man in the front row and the crowd around me, which seemed to blur around my view, as I just ‘listened’. She told us about the guy who left her in her apartment as he went off to pursue other endeavors and set up residence miles away from her.

The story seeped into my soul and I felt the emotions of her passion for that memory, holding back a tear or two. Then….she ‘sang’. Her voice brings me to a place that felt like I was standing live in front of a Patsy Cline or a KD Lang all wrapped up into one beautiful package. You don’t even hear the words at this point, you just feel something beautiful.

Through the first few songs, I almost forgot I was here for the Music Café and felt more like I was there for an Emma-Lee concert! A beautiful feeling entered the room that day and left its imprint in the walls forever!

Talking with Emma after the show in our interview, I realized she also has a great sense of humour as she told me to join her in a ‘puckered up fish lip pose’ for the camera!

I imagine Emma-Lee will soon be gracing the stages with Artists like Diana Krall, KD Lang and the Sarah McLachlan’s of the world. Her CD titled ‘Never Just a Dream’ teaches us all that in order to achieve them, you’ve got to realize them as ‘real’ in order to make them happen.

‘Never Just a Dream’…words to live by Emma-Lee!
Official Emma-Lee website: www.emma-lee.com

Christmas Magic

Christmas Magic?

Loving and Living Life, by Stephen Szucs
for Main Street Magazine (MSM)

What is Christmas really about…Jesus, Santa, vacations, presents? I imagine there are many children and adults for that matter, who ponder just that. We have been encouraged to say “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas”. I have seen children disappointed receiving gifts! Most receive time off work and school, but how many actually celebrate the true meaning of Christmas? What is the true meaning of Christmas?

In these “turbulent times” of “economic crisis” the companies governing our culture of consumerism would like us to believe the meaning of Christmas is derived from expensive gifts. The more you spend, the more you love. Receiving a twenty-carat diamond ring means you are really loved! However, I have received expensive gifts and although I do enjoy them, they are not what I celebrate at Christmas.

“I am dreaming of a green Christmas”… I don’t think so! Palm trees and tropical temperatures work for many, but a vacation is not what I want. I am from Canada and “I am dreaming of a white Christmas!” Beyond the parties and presents, Christmas is about the people, peace and love…like Dorothy said: “There’s no place like home.”

The spiritual and religious are both active parts of my life. Having experienced the religious holiday of Christmas in Ontario, Florida, Colorado, Spain, and Italy; I have found that one vibration resonates in every location. This vibration is not Jesus, Santa, vacations or presents. It’s the reason why we can always find smiles at Christmas, even if a “Scrooge” is present in the room. It is the universal vibration of love!

Whether you spend Christmas with family, or you have no one and are home alone on Christmas day, you choose to make it a great day or not. The first time you work on Christmas you will realize it is simply another day with a different vibration. Therefore, this Christmas I challenge us to do something a little out of the ordinary. Try volunteering at a homeless shelter, baking cookies for children in hospitals, going to play board games with the “forgotten elderly” in nursing homes. Take a walk or go cross-country skiing, reflecting on what you want to create in your life and our universe. Wherever and whatever you celebrate during the holiday season, feel the Christmas love and create some Christmas magic!

May we suggest: Movies

Movies: As seen in the september issue of Main Street Magazine (MSM)

An adult evening ‘in’ can be just the thing on a rainy night, whether by yourself or with some pals, all you need are the right ingredients. 1. Snack Foods- you know the kind, popcorn, chips, chocolate and loads of ice cream and loaded nachos! (hey even healthy needs a break once-in-awhile!) 2. Strawberry Daiquiris, beer or other adult beverages of choice. 3. Favourite PJ’s! Comfy is a must! And finally… 4. Some great movies.

Below is a list of some of our favourites, for the girlies for the guys, and Laughing out Loud!

For the Girls:
Titanic: Have some tissue handy for the scene of when the cry of “Jack! Come back!” you know it gets us every time! Plus, it stars eye candy Leonardo DiCaprio.

The Notebook: Did you get goose bumps during Noah and Allie’s love scene on the dock?

Dirty Dancing: Any movie that is still popular more than 20 years later is definitely a keeper!

When Harry Met Sally: Who knew faking an orgasm could lead to this kind of success?

A Walk To Remember: Shane West is Mandy Moore’s angel in this tear-jerker but heavy flick-not to mention Shane is oh so easy on the eyes!

For the Guys:
The Godfather & The Godfather: Part II : Isn’t this in everyone’s home movie collection?

Mad Max/The Road Warrior: This movie comes in the top guy movie’s list over and over. Is it the brutal revenge or the car chases that keeps the guys coming back?

Fight Club: "First rule of Fight Club: You do not talk about Fight Club."

Office Space: Most fantasize about tying their boss to a chair and forcing him/her to watch it. Remember this great line; "It's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care."

James Bond: You can’t go wrong with a James Bond movie. Right guys?

Laugh Out Loud (LOL):
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Remember the scene where Jim Carrey is dressed in a tutu and pretending to be mentally ill?

American Pie: "Well, we'll just tell your mother that uh…that uh…we ate it all!" Who will forget the hilarious scene when Jim Levinstein (Jason Biggs) is caught by his father (Eugene Levy) while making out with a warm, freshly-baked apple pie on the kitchen counter.

Austin Powers in Goldmember: the hilariously vulgar shadow-play or puppetry scene in the Sick Bay of Dr. Evil's (Mike Myers) submarine lair is a true classic of LOL hilarity!

Blazing Saddles: From beginning to end you laugh! This film is packed with political incorrectness!

Death Becomes Her: How can you not laugh out loud when Madeline's (Meryl Streep) head is rotated 180 (and later 360) degrees, and her shocked cry: "My ass! I can see my ass!"