Christmas Magic

Christmas Magic?

Loving and Living Life, by Stephen Szucs
for Main Street Magazine (MSM)

What is Christmas really about…Jesus, Santa, vacations, presents? I imagine there are many children and adults for that matter, who ponder just that. We have been encouraged to say “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas”. I have seen children disappointed receiving gifts! Most receive time off work and school, but how many actually celebrate the true meaning of Christmas? What is the true meaning of Christmas?

In these “turbulent times” of “economic crisis” the companies governing our culture of consumerism would like us to believe the meaning of Christmas is derived from expensive gifts. The more you spend, the more you love. Receiving a twenty-carat diamond ring means you are really loved! However, I have received expensive gifts and although I do enjoy them, they are not what I celebrate at Christmas.

“I am dreaming of a green Christmas”… I don’t think so! Palm trees and tropical temperatures work for many, but a vacation is not what I want. I am from Canada and “I am dreaming of a white Christmas!” Beyond the parties and presents, Christmas is about the people, peace and love…like Dorothy said: “There’s no place like home.”

The spiritual and religious are both active parts of my life. Having experienced the religious holiday of Christmas in Ontario, Florida, Colorado, Spain, and Italy; I have found that one vibration resonates in every location. This vibration is not Jesus, Santa, vacations or presents. It’s the reason why we can always find smiles at Christmas, even if a “Scrooge” is present in the room. It is the universal vibration of love!

Whether you spend Christmas with family, or you have no one and are home alone on Christmas day, you choose to make it a great day or not. The first time you work on Christmas you will realize it is simply another day with a different vibration. Therefore, this Christmas I challenge us to do something a little out of the ordinary. Try volunteering at a homeless shelter, baking cookies for children in hospitals, going to play board games with the “forgotten elderly” in nursing homes. Take a walk or go cross-country skiing, reflecting on what you want to create in your life and our universe. Wherever and whatever you celebrate during the holiday season, feel the Christmas love and create some Christmas magic!