Dating Again

Maybe it's been a while since you've dated? It's natural to feel nervous and scared about dating again. Even though things seem foreign to you now, you'll eventually begin to navigate the dating waters like a pro. The first thing is to give yourself space to learn some new dating skills and practice the art of approaching people. Don't expect things to click into place immediately. Learning the proper way to go about finding a relationship will take some time and effort, but that's not a bad thing. Start with asking yourself some tough questions, why are you dating? Do you want a friend for companionship? Sometimes ‘outing’s’ just need someone to share it with. Do you miss the sexual or affectionate side of having a partner? Do you want to just meet new people? Maybe it is all of the above, and maybe more than one partner is required, after all we aren’t always attracted to our ‘friends’ are we?

Step one:


It is okay, perfect in fact to practice dating, especially if you have not dated in awhile. Go on as many dates as you can to learn how to date again. Go on- put yourself out there, ask your co-workers to set you up, check out a dating site, and strike up a conversation at a café or the grocery store. Like anything else, practice makes perfect, and if you look at every new date you have as a learning experience, practice, eventually you will hit on a person in whom you want to spend more time with.

Bad dates are good learning opportunities, do not take it personally, there are many reasons why a date was bad, and the bottom line is- you just did not mesh. You will not be for everybody, and everybody will not be for you. You do not want to get too serious about the first person you meet anyway, as nice as it is to curl up on the couch with our blankie and romance movie, life is real, not a Hollywood script.

Falling in love with people too easily is a natural outcome when you're new to dating again, this is where the big caution light comes on- do not confuse loneliness’ with love, and do not settle! .Truly meeting the right person will take time, and you shouldn’t rush it, besides there are lots of benefits to the single life.

When you're thrown in the dating world again it can seem as if you need to hurry and find someone new or your life just won't be complete. But don't sell yourself short by trying to rush something that isn't right. Have fun and be true to you, even if you suspect that you probably won't be with your date forever, appreciate the fact you are having a great new conversation, and meeting different people. Keep it light, you do not have to know everything about the person you are with, nor do they have to know everything about you. Share only what your comfortable with.

When we're back in the dating world, it can seem refreshing to talk about our previous long-term relationship and the possible causes for its failure. Save it for your trusted friends, they will be sure to give you the straight goods anyway, either validating that you aren't to blame for their previous relationship ending, (what you want to hear), or that you screwed up, the truth is usually somewhere in the middle! Dating is about the new; do not drag the past with you!

Now is the time to rediscover yourself, often in a relationship you get use to the way you and your former partner always did things. It's natural for couples to get into a routine when they've been together for a long time. But now that you are back in the dating world you can have fun being flexible. Make a list of all the things ‘you’ wanted to do but didn’t because you compromised in your other relationship and start doing them, with someone or alone.

Dating again can be scary, but it can also be fun, it really is about your attitude!

ALWAYS use caution when meeting a new person, meet them, DO NOT have them pick you up or take you home. Double dates are great if you are uncomfortable and safe, do not give out your personal information, and use common sense!

Next month:

Advice on how to spot if someone is not who or what they seem!

© Copyright, 2010 Main Street Magazine/Rain Enterprises

As seen in the May Issue of Main Street Magazine.

Printed in Canada, ISSN: 1920-4299 by Rain Enterprises

For your Free copy of MSM go to

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

May Issue 2010

Just a Moment -- 3

Go Green -- 4

Legal Beagle – Family Law -- 8

Lily’s Garden – Mat Gordon -- 10

Main Feature – Interview with Andie Lee -- 11

Ancient Mystic – The Goddess Flora -- 13

10 Things You Should Always Bring on a Camping Trip -- 14

May We Suggest – Movies -- 17

Chef of Merit – Chef Martin Lopez -- 19

Moving Forward – Are You Green With Envy? -- 23

Pennies -- 25

Quick Tips -- 27

Sweet Nothings–Coyote Run -- 34

The Entrepreneur – Three Biggest Business Mistakes and How to Avoid Them -- 37

Healthy Relationships – 10 Secrets of a Better Love Life -- 39

Gizmos & Gadgets -- 45

Fashion Sense -- 46

Dating Again -- 48

The Go 2 Spot -- 50

Karma-Vore -- 55

That’s The Spirit -- 58

Footsteps Across the Continent -- 60

Beltaine -- 64

Pet Place -- 65

Thoughts From An Empty Mind -- 67

Photo Contest -- 69

Contributor’s – 70

© Copyright, 2010 Main Street Magazine/Rain Enterprises

As seen in the May Issue of Main Street Magazine.

Printed in Canada, ISSN: 1920-4299 by Rain Enterprises

To find out how to receive your free copy of MSM check out

Tilly Rivers’ Chef of Merit Column Has The Experts Attention!

The Free Press:Jacob Manny:April 2010

The hot new magazine that everyone is talking about is making its mark in the culinary world.

International Broadcast: Immediate Release

MSM ( is a hot new magazine blend of local printed rag, electronic download and blogs posts that has everyone talking. Why? According to the experts the first and foremost reason is the founder, international celebrity Tilly Rivers.

We all know that Tilly has been penned as the erotica queen; her works continually hit the best selling lists over and over. However, the magazine has drawn some writing talent, articles such as Clare Jackson’s ‘That’s the Spirit” and various contributors for the monthly Moving Forward articles have our attention.

What article though is leading the pack? “Chef of Merit!’ Interviews and reviews on chefs and restaurants around the world written by Ms. Rivers herself. This article gives the spotlight to some serious culinary talent that may have been otherwise over looked.

Chefs these days are the new rock stars, and the biz is almost as hard to break into. The good ones, the celebrity chefs like Gordon Ramsey and Wolfgang Puck pull in a serious fan club, and serious dollars. Is it no wonder then that kids are lining up at the culinary school doors wanting to be the next celebrity Chef on the Food Network?

Rivers is making a name for herself in the food world, a bad review from her can destroy the young hopeful dream, or a veterans career; close the doors to a restaurant or sky-rocket them to the top. With her there are two directions, up or out.

If you have had an interview with Ms. Rivers you should be thankful, the waiting list is long, who and how does she choose to interview? From what we can glean the choices seem random, from personal chefs to household names, the only constant are the results, suddenly those in whom had a handful of followers are now on the experts radar to keep an eye on, everyone from top foodie bloggers to international F&B managers scouting new talent are reading the monthly release of Chef of Merit.

If Rivers comes into your establishment for a food review, I pray thee Chef that today is your “ON” day. Like I said, it’s up or out!

Thoughts From An Empty Mind

Thought From an Empty Mind

Relationships...Part One...What is a Relationship After All?

It will be harder than we thought it would be when it started. It is more than compromise. It is embracing our differences. Respecting each other's values. Listening to each other's hearts and allowing for tenderness towards each other. There has to be humor in life and in relationships. We have to see the lighter side and the silver lining or we are hopelessly under some serious cloud cover.

Copyright@2004 Judi Rosen

"A Summer in the City by the Sea"

Relationships...Part Two...The Truth of the Matter

We are all looking for a man or woman who will challenge and inspire us intellectually; a mate who will ignite the Roman candles of passion in our soul, and allow us to pursue our own agenda, as we allow them to pursue theirs, ready to compromise rationally when there are conflicts, as there inevitably will be; a playmate who is in touch with his child/animal at his core and ready to let that feral creature romp with our child/anima, climbing mountains, swimming seas, having sex, pushing the envelope of the male/female connection. Or, to borrow Yeat's metaphor, "to be the dancer who leads me into the dance of life". D. H. Lawrence came up with the best metaphor for an ideal relationship -- "two separate planets, locked in a mutual orbit". Between the ideal couple there is powerful, undying attraction, but no abdication of identities. You have to be happy together and happy apart. Too many people look to their mate to fill up holes in their life and holes in their hearts. That never works. Your love and loyal support should strengthen and refresh your mate to fight their own battles, but they have to be fought alone.

If you can share a good bottle of wine, a conversation that seemingly never wants to end, that feels as effortless and playful as two dolphins sporting together, that opens minds and eyes to truths you'd always known, but were now being made to understand, as if for the first time, through the honest passion and clear vision of another.

Then the intellectual and the physical part are easy. After a month or two together, you can tell almost for certain, if you have found someone who will always fulfill you on these two planes. Either you delight as much in hearing their thoughts as they delight in hearing yours, or not. Either you can satisfy each other sexually, or not. That's the easy part. The hard part is whether you are compatible spiritually...whether your mate can allow you to fulfill your own agenda and you can allow them to fulfill theirs. This is because the workings of the human heart are such a mystery. No one really knows exactly why we do what we do or feel what we feel. We all spend our lives trying to figure this out. We get glimpses of the truth, and come to partial understandings, but the soul remains, on the whole, a mystery. The only way to discover if you are truly compatible with someone on this level is to live together and find out if it works on a day to day basis. And even then, you can't be certain, because people change. Some things you just have to take on faith.

~Judi Rosen~

Copyright@2004 Judi Rosen

"A Summer in the City by the Sea"

© Copyright, 2010 Main Street Magazine/Rain Enterprises

As seen in the May Issue of Main Street Magazine.

Printed in Canada, ISSN: 1920-4299 by Rain Enterprises

To find out how to get your free copy of MSM go to

The Entrepreneur

Three Biggest Business Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

So you own a small business, or are your own boss at home, huh? Congratulations! You are in very good company. According to a US Census Bureau, over 16 million people worked at home….in 2001. We can only imagine what the number is now.

So many small business owners have been happy to claim the title of being their own boss for years now. And of course, like all professionals, they haven’t always done everything right by their business. Marketing, advertising, elevator pitches, websites, blogs, the whole bit, should be a piece of cake for those who own their own business, right?

Actually no, that’s not the case at all. The fact is, marketing your business is and will be, an ever evolving project, you will always be working on something related to that. Read on for some common mistakes most small business owners make, and what you can do to avoid them.

#1. Not Letting Anyone Know You Are There

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is not telling anyone about your business. Oh you can tell people that you are a seamstress, but if that’s as far as you go, you are in trouble. If you never bother to tell people that they could hire you to sew, write, build, etc. for them, or that you are available for any of their projects, you won’t get any clients.

The simple way to avoid this–tell everyone about your business. Not simply friends and family, and the obvious people. For example if you are a plumber, talk to your local home improvement store, local business owners, contractors, new businesses, etc. You never know when someone might be looking for, or know of someone who needs, someone who does what you do.

#2. Not Using Your Name

Especially if you are a freelancer, your name is your business. You might be tempted to use a nickname, or pen name as a user-name for websites that showcase your projects. Please realize that if people are going to Google, or look you up, they will probably type in your whole name.

The simple way to avoid this–Use your, or your business’ entire name. For example, don’t just advertise your daycare as the Corner Daycare Center, but Little Tykes Corner Daycare Center (if that’s the full name). Give as many details about your business as you can.

#3. Not Establishing An Online Presence

Most small business owners are perfectionists (don’t worry that’s a compliment), and want things to look exactly right, so for they are always looking for that next “better” website, blog, marketing ploy, etc… That has kept some small business owners from getting online at all. This can hurt your business, because a lot of people will look for your business online, instead of calling and speaking to you directly.

The simple way to avoid this–Get thee online! Start a blog, sign up for an inexpensive website, get on Facebook and Twitter. Put something online that says what you do, and how people can contact you. You can even list your business for free with Yahoo, so that you can be found locally.

There you have it, the top small business mistakes and how to avoid them. Now we all have no excuses for not getting our business up and running. Except for well, maybe, that whole economy thing. But even that has never stopped the entrepreneurial spirit before.

~Helen Heard~

© Copyright, 2010 Main Street Magazine/Rain Enterprises

As seen in the May Issue of Main Street Magazine.

Printed in Canada, ISSN: 1920-4299 by Rain Enterprises

Sweet Nothings

Coyote Run - Can a moment in time change a life time?

Jacqueline stood gazing through the huge bay window at the cattle yard in the clearing. Three cowboys were mulled together, riding in on magnificent black stallions.

As they dismounted she was able to study them more thoroughly. Hats, jeans, boots, silver spurs - they wore the typical cowboy garb. Of the three, one had claimed preferential attention. He was taller and more muscular than his companions and appeared to be in charge. Could this be Trent Cannon, she silently pondered, the owner of Coyote Run?

Jacqueline faded into the massive den, her blue eyes fastening onto the two small children playing by the empty fireplace. Their mother, Sari Longfellow had hired her to piece together the family memoirs jumbled inside of the huge chest in the attic at Coyote Run. A work area had been established for her benefit which included a large oak desk, overhead lighting and a miniature library which she intended to stock with personal research material.

Sari had vanished into the kitchen, wanting to speak with the housekeeper regarding the evening meal. She had suggested that Jacqueline wait in the den, telling her that the ranch house was a vast structure and she didn't want her getting lost before she had even started the project. Sari had promised a lengthy tour of the house after dinner.

Jacqueline liked Sari, a tall blond-haired woman who spoke her mind. Sari and her two children were staying with her brother Trent while her husband was on a two-week business trip and she had decided this to be an opportune time to oversee the project. Jacqueline looked forward to working for her.

The children, Chelsea and Jeremiah were admiring an exquisite glass bull which they had removed from the fireplace mantle aided by an overstuffed velvet chair. Jacqueline smiled as she watched the young siblings.

"Look, Jeremiah! You can see through him," Chelsea pointed out to her small brother and he anxiously helped her steady the glass object. She continued, "He's like a looking glass...all but his two blue eyes."

Jeremiah's small hands reached out to poke at the embedded blue stones, unintentionally knocking it from his sister's grasp.

Jacqueline watched helpless as the glass collided with the stone fireplace and shattered into a thousand pieces.

Chelsea jumped from the chair, assessing the damage and little Jeremiah went into a crying fit, his voice sounding over-developed for a five year old. It was deep and very loud.

"Chelsea! Don't move!" Jacqueline cautioned, going to the child as swiftly as possible, overstepping the glass - but not quite as she felt something pierce her foot through the soft sole of her shoe.

Ignoring the stab of pain she concentrated on the children's safety, re-anchoring Chelsea in the chair beside her brother.

"It's all right," she assured, patting their small hands for reassurance. "It was an accident. You aren't hurt, are you?"

They both managed to shake their heads negatively, Jacqueline relaxing in the process.

Chelsea swallowed hard and winced her tiny mouth telling her, "Uncle Trent is going to be so mad at us. Mean old Ms. Fargo got it for him."

Jacqueline tucked a strand of the child's hair behind her ear and asked, "Ms. Fargo?"

"His old girlfriend."

Jeremiah reached out and pulled Jacqueline's hand urgently, adding, "We can't ride the ponies now."

At that, they both started crying.

Jacqueline transferred them one by one to safety telling them, "Sure you can. I'll explain the accident to your uncle. Just don't worry about it anymore." Then, "Now scoot so I can clean up the glass before someone gets hurt.

"Gee, you're swell," Chelsea eased out, a smile lighting her face.

Jeremiah simply nodded his head in agreement, and then they both sped away, the matter of the bull completely forgotten.

She was picking up the larger pieces of the shattered bull when a deep voice greeted her from across the room. "Is everything okay?"

Jacqueline spun around, her eyes connecting with the cowboy whom she'd assumed earlier was Trent Cannon. My, up close he was a handsome brute

Trent narrowed his eyes, seeing the barrage of glass for the first time. He'd been too captivated with the lady's backside to notice until now.

"Whoops, you're in trouble now," he eased out and he watched her stiffen. Tall, too. He liked that.

"This isn't what it appears to be," she tried to explain, but he only waved her words aside.

"It's perfectly okay," he told her, coming towards her. "That crystal bull has been a thorn in my flesh for two long years. Reminds me of my old lead bull that died last spring. Same blue eyes." He paused and held out his hand, introducing, "Trent Cannon. And you're?"

Jacqueline accepted his hand, elating, "Jacqueline Roberts. Your sister, Sari hired me for the family project."

"Ah, yes," he nodded in realization. "Funny. I was expecting more of an old maid type rather than....well, we'll leave it at that."

Jacqueline's eyes were taking in every inch of his rock-hard body, locking her findings into memory. With effort she told him, "About this. The kids were curious and it was an accident. They were very upset about the loss and they fear that you'll ban them from the ponies."

"So - it was the little banshees," he laughed and Jacqueline found his laugh pleasing. In fact, she doubted if there was anything about this cowboy that she wouldn't find pleasing.

Trent eased out, "I don't know why they would think I'd be angry. It was an accident."

Jacqueline eased out, "The children said it was a gift from your girlfriend, Ms. Fargo." She nervously shifted her foot, a pain shooting up her leg and she expelled a cry.

“She managed to gaze down at him, for she had been in a great deal of pain just before he had secured the glass. "Thank you, Mr. Cannon-"

"Trent," he told her. "As far as the lady killer goes-"

"Lady Killer?"

"Ms. Fargo," he elated, his mouth dusted with a mocking smile. "It was a whirlwind relationship - hello, goodbye. What a nut. And yeah, she did make a gift of the bull, then sent me the bill for it shortly afterwards. It's been a family joke - so we'll have to find something else to josh about now."

Trent extracted the paisley banana from around his neck, then applied it to her foot to stop the bleeding, telling her, "It's clean." But his mind sure wasn't. He hadn't seen anything this pretty and good smelling since Ms. Raggedy's blue ribbon apple pie at the country fair last year.

"I think the bleeding has stopped," she eased out, glancing down at Trent's large hand which was lassoed around her slim foot.

But he didn't want to let go yet, Trent silently argued. She was soft. Beautiful, soft, sweet smellin'

He told her, "I'll call someone to clean this up, okay?"

Jacqueline nodded and was surprised as Trent inquired in an offhanded tone, "You married?"

She managed to negatively shake her head, flattered by his interest.

"Engaged?" he tacked on, wanting to cover all his bases.

"No. There's no one," she added, her mouth curving into a beautiful smile, her heart in her chest. She'd never met anyone so confident, so forward and determined. And she liked that.

"Well, let's see if I can change that," Trent told her, marvelling about the power of attraction.

Ten minutes earlier, he hadn't known Jacqueline existed. And now, well....he couldn't imagine his life without her. Let the journey begin.....

You okay, pretty lady?" Trent asked, looking at the glass on the floor, then scooping her up in strong arms. She was wearing soft soled shoes and he suspected that she may have already found a piece of stray glass.

Before Jacqueline knew what was happening, Trent had scooped her up in his arms, placed her in the velvet chair, removed her shoe and extracted a chard of glass

~Sky Tayler~

© Copyright, 2010 Main Street Magazine/Rain Enterprises

As seen in the May Issue of Main Street Magazine.

Printed in Canada, ISSN: 1920-4299 by Rain Enterprises

To find out how to receive your free copy of MSM go to

Photo Contest Winner Camping

Nicole and Samantha are from Brampton, Ontario. They are strolling along reminiscing about their week of camping.

The photo was taken in August, 2007 on the shore of Lake Simcoe at McRae Point Provincial Park.

Photo submitted by: Robert Kilian

June Photo Contest is:

Spring Blooms

Trees and flowers are starting to bloom!

Take a picture and send it in to before May 15th.

Be sure to include your name, location and email.

© Copyright, 2010 Main Street Magazine/Rain Enterprises

As seen in the May Issue of Main Street Magazine.

Printed in Canada, ISSN: 1920-4299 by Rain Enterprises

To learn how to receive your free copy of MSM go to



The Flashlight and the Outhouse

When I was about seven years old, I had an unfortunate incident while camping involving a flashlight and an outhouse.
To make a long story short, I had to pee before going to bed. Being a kid
and lacking any common sense, I attempted to unzip my fly and pee while holding the flashlight in my hand.

Well, I fumbled the flashlight ended up in the deep void of the pit toilet.

Fearing I was in deep trouble, I broke down in tears as I walked back to the campsite
and prepared to break the news to my parents.

My mom was amused by the incident while my dad traumatized me further by threatening to lower me into the toilet to retrieve the still illuminated flashlight.

I still go camping with my parents every year
and three decades later, I am still reminded to not drop the flashlight in the outhouse. I am happy to say that is no longer an issue since I now use a headlamp.

And I will say that I am always sure that it’s snug on my head whenever I use the outhouse!


We caught a... skunk?

My first camping trip was with my grandparents when I was five years old. They were determined that I should have the "ultimate camping experience." So, we went swimming in a lake, tried (unsuccessfully) to catch our dinner, and then tried (successfully - unfortunately) to catch a "pet."

My Poppa propped a box up on a forked twig, tied a string to the twig
and stuck a carrot underneath. Then we snuck back into the tent and waited for our rabbit to come. Finally we heard a noise! There was something in our box!

We pulled the string excitedly, proud that our plan had actually worked. And then we crept up on the box, gently raised the lid,
and got sprayed by a skunk. After that moment, the only thing I remember is bathing in tomato juice and have my sisters tease me for smelling bad.

My gr
andparents were shocked that I begged them to go camping again, and even more shocked that my parents agreed after the fiasco on our first trip. But although it had a pretty stinky ending, my trip is definitely memorable.


© Copyright, 2010 Main Street Magazine/Rain Enterprises

As seen in the May Issue of Main Street Magazine.

Printed in Canada, ISSN: 1920-4299 by Rain Enterprises

To learn how to get your free copy of MSM go to



Campers: Nature's way of feeding mosquitoes.

~Author Unknown~

Camping: nature's way of promoting the motel industry.

~Dave Barry, Only Travel Guide You'll Ever Need~

Is that weird, taking my Louis Vuitton bag camping?

~Jessica Simpson~

Have you heard?

We'll go camping along the river…no-no- there are rarely any bugs this time of year...

I'm sure that's not poison ivy…

Just one more hill to climb, it's all flat from here…

I know the drought has a ban on open fires, but this is a campground, I'm sure we'll be ok…

Who brought the bug repellent?
I thought you packed the toilet paper…

Nope, never took it out of the box. But, the salesperson said this tent was super easy to set up; even in windy conditions...
You'll be ok... it doesn't look that bad...
Shhhhh!! Did you all hear THAT??
I'm sure these mushrooms are edible...
Snakes? Naw... not to worry... never ever saw one here…


© Copyright, 2010 Main Street Magazine/Rain Enterprises

As seen in the May Issue of Main Street Magazine.

Printed in Canada, ISSN: 1920-4299 by Rain Enterprises

To find out how to get your Free copy of MSM go to