If you are sizzling

If You Are Sizzling- You Must Be Reading Prose By Tilly Greene

First printed in Main Street Magazine

April 2009

Vol. 1

Streetlight Feature: Interview with author Tilly Greene by Tilly Rivers

Tilly Greene’s website states that “Life took a turn one day while sitting
in the back of the school bus with her friends: she was introduced to the joys of
romance novels and has never looked back.” If Tilly Greene was writing ‘hot’ tales
back then she certainly must have been popular among her friends. Her very sexual
tales are about independent and confident women. Ladies- you do not have to tuck this ‘romance’ book under the table while at break in the lunch room at work . Not if you are reading one of Tilly’s books- instead you can lend it to a co-worker (male perhaps?), with a oww la la
swing to your hips!

She writes a variety of sub-genres and themes; Contemporary, Futuristic, Shape Shifting,
Paranormals & BDSM. Within each plot you will find sexual equality and ethics.

Come, Sweet Creature was her first book written, sold, and went on to be a #1 bestseller
for three consecutive months at her publishing house and for one month at Fictionwise.

She places a warning on her website; “Red Hot Romances Ahead!” and trust me as a former
celebrity best selling author or erotica, she is “sizzling!”

“2009 started with a huge bang for me.” Tilly Greene told Streetlight “In January I had two ebooks released in two different sub-genres. “Highland Heat” takes place in London and The Highlands [Scotland], and has a very unusual shape-shifter trying to find his way through a difficult period.

The other, “Hephaestus Lays Down the Law” is about the Greek God putting his love life back in order. Then in February, the latter will be in and anthology called “Love’s Immortal Pantheon” and will be released as a paperback. And, as a non-sugared treat for Valentine’s Day, “Together Again?” which checks in with Zeus and Leda long after their well-publicized interlude, will be released as an eBook.”

Streetlight asked Tilly when she first considered herself an author, she told us that most
would think that you truly feel like you are an author the minute you receive an acceptance
letter from a publisher. “Only it wasn’t that way for me. It was only after I made changes in
my life so I could sit down every day and write did I feel like I could call myself an author,
although I rarely said it out loud. Recently I was filling out a form and I wrote the title as my occupation. There was a little stutter before doing it, but it felt right.”

Tilly is the proud author of twenty-two novel and novellas published. “Novels allow me to put
everything and more out there, to pull the reader into the world or scenario I’ve built.” Tilly states, “but I also like writing novellas as they are a window into a relationship and allows the reader to imagine what the rest of the lives are like.”

Streetlight asked Tilly what advice she has other writers. She passionately answered,
“Write! No matter what else is going on in your life, make time each day to write – even if it is just a half hour, take it and write. Find a routine and stick with it, expand it or not, just stick with it. Once the story is finished, polished, read and re-read until you know it by heart, then read by a couple of beta readers and changes made, submit it. No excuses – just submit it.
A rejection can be worked with, never knowing what a publisher thinks of it can’t be!”

Who is the woman behind the pen? Streetlight asked, “No matter where I am or
what I’m doing, I am still a beach bum at heart. I love to experience new places and all they have to offer, but in the end, I enjoy letting my attention run red hot and on the wild side of center.

I love hearing from readers! They always manage to surprise me with what they have to say.
One reader wrote about how much they enjoyed the unexpected twist in the story and that I was cruel because it ensured she stayed up all night finishing it and was useless at work the next day.

What a hoot! Another one I remember is the note that told me they fell so deeply into the story; the characters could be their neighbors. Still makes me smile because that is something I try to do.

I want the characters in my stories to be like someone you might walk by on the street
and not think twice about them. Even in the futuristic, paranormal and shape-shifter sub-genres.”

Tilly has this message for readers; “Every once in a while, step away from your usual
genres and authors, and try someone or something new to you. I love to do this. Besides expanding what I’ll read, my mind also benefits from exploring a different genre. Talking about books is almost as fun as reading.”

And trust me…talking about one of Tilly’s book will make for a ‘fun’ conversation indeed!

For more information regarding Tilly Greene, visit http://www.tillygreene.com/

Fan of Tilly Greene’s? Send your comments to editor @ mainstreetmagazine dot net.
Issue Two May 2009