The Incredible Boris

The Incredible Boris
First published in Main Street Magazine
April 2009
Vol. 1

Streetlight Feature:
The Incredible Boris
By Tilly Rivers

Entertainment Weekly; “Elevating hypnotism from parlor shtick to a comedic state of mind!”The Tonto Sun; “Prepare to gasp in wonder.”

Open Mike with Mike Bullard, CTV, Comedy Channel; “The Incredible Boris lived up
to both his name and reputation!”Howie Mandel; “Boris never ceases to amaze!”

Tilly Rivers, Streetlight Feature Editor, Main Street Magazine; “If you haven’t seen Boris in action…you are missing something breathtaking!”
Catching Boris, in between shows is hard to do with an average schedule of 300
bookings a year. However, Boris set aside some of his valued time to complete
an interview for Main Street Magazine.

SL: What drew you to the art of hypnotism?

Boris: As a teenager, I read a book – “The Search for Bridey Murphy” by Morrey
Bernstein. In this book a hypnotist regresses a lady past her birth to, supposedly,
another time. She calls herself Bridey Murphy, speaks in an Irish brogue, describes
herself as a lady living in Ireland, names places people and events. The hypnosis session
is recorded and the hypnotist decides to verify the information given to him…they
happen to be true. I finished this book in one sitting and needed to know more.

SL: How do you handle the ‘nah-sayers’ thinking hypnotists are phoney-baloney?

Boris: I take a rather different approach - I don’t. My first priority is to entertain
and not to convince. I was a skeptic myself. By being ignorant about something does
not make it less real. I spent many years learning and researching.
I see myself as someone who gets people introduced to the subjects or makes them
think of its validity, rather than trying to convince every skeptic. Keep an open mind -
knowledge is power!

SL: Is hypnotism a gift, an art form or a scientific formula that anyone can learn?

Boris: It is a gift to be on stage with people paying their full attention to the images
you create with words and actions. I always had the ability to compel the audience to
follow my train of thought. The delivery got smoother with practice.
Hypnotism is a learnt behavior. It is a logical outcome to a sequence of commands,
which can be verbal, visual or social. Hypnotism is not unquestioned mind control, but a set
of directives that is followed according to our beliefs and experiences, which a skilled hypnotist
uses to an advantage. It is a wonderful use of language to achieve a specific result. I learnt how
to hypnotize – that is a formula, however each formula has to be tweaked to the person
or an audience.

SL: Your first professional engagement was at 17- tell us about that first performance.
Do you carry the lessons you learned that day?

Boris: I first got paid when I was seventeen, but the learning never stopped. I constantly
keep building on my knowledge.

My job is a hobby that became a career. I wasn’t intending to become a hypnotist -
this was something that fell into my lap and consumed everything that I do for over a quarter
of a century now. I first entertained my friends and family at house parties and get-togethers.
In fact, some of the routines that were developed in those days are still in the show, but now much more refined.

SL: Performing upwards of 300 shows a year can be hectic.
How do you balance your personal relationships with such a demanding time table?

Boris: It takes a lot of planning and time juggling. This is a large part of what I do.
Everyone goes to work, except my job usually takes a plane ride to get there. Keeping in touch is
simple – I travel with numerous electronic gadgets – blackberry, laptop, GPS. Everything is a
phone call away and I make sure that the time I spend with my family is quality time.

SL: Your show adds elements of comedy and music, entertaining with a rapid pace and laughter,
most hypnosis’ are serious about their craft due to the negative vibes regarding its creditability -
why did you choose to ‘lighten’ up the act with these added elements?

Boris: I put a positive vibe to everything I do and enjoy the laughter along the way. I believe that the best way to learn anything is through laughter. I also don’t take myself too seriously. As they say – “don’t believe the hype”. My job is to entertain and that’s what I do. If the audience happens to learn something in the process, they are better off for it. If we only applauded the people that make a difference in our lives –
teachers, mechanics, nurses.

I am a comedian first and hypnotist second. I am a wordsmith that creates a visual picture in people’s minds. A great way to enhance that picture is by adding extra stimuli.

SL: What message do you want your audience to walk away with?

Boris: Look at what you can do with your mind. Now go and live your lives to the fullest with this powerful tool.

SL: You’ve been showcased on popular television shows such as Maury, Montel, Howie Mandel Show, The Vegas Show among many others, and prominent comedy festivals - Just for Laughs Festival in Montreal and the Boston Comedy Festival. What is your favorite venue to perform?

Boris: The answer is rather simple - any venue where people came to see me. I have a fantastic job - I travel the world, touching people lives for a moment or two. I really enjoy performing in theatres and large venues, because I still try to make contact with everyone in that audience. Television has been a wonderful way to present the show to the masses. This way if I can’t get to you live, you can always find out about me on television and online
video sharing sites.

SL: What do you think has been the secret to your success?

Boris: One word –passion. I believe that you should devote yourself fully to every task and leave YOUR mark on the world.

SL: Is there anything you would like to say to your fans?

Boris: Only if they say something back. I am so grateful that people enjoy what I do. It makes it a pleasure and an honor to entertain and making an impression and a difference.

SL: Who is the man behind “Boris the Incredible?”

A hopeless romantic that is passionate about everything he does and a positive thinker with a powerful message – “I can do and achieve anything I put my mind to”.

SL: Explain the quote; “The passion with which Boris presents his show is engaging
and contagious, while the impact is unforgettable.” What is the ultimate impact?

Boris: The show engages the audience. I am the glue that binds everything together
and the impact is unforgettable. I am the director of events, straight man, funny man
seemingly missing the action, whose playfulness and ability to mold the moment creates
the magic of the moment.

For more information, please visit-
Comedian Hypnotist The Incredible BORIS
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Issue Two May 2009