Interview with Jackson Ridd

Did I Just See Something Impossible?
Published in Main Street Magazine
April 2009

Streetlight Feature:
Jackson “Jax” Ridd
by Tilly Rivers

Jackson Ridd is a 20 year old magician from Los Angeles. His friends call him “Jax”. In addition to performing regularly at the Magic Castle in Hollywood, Jackson has performed at benefit events for Union Station, Elizabeth House, Ronald McDonald House, and the L.A. County.

He loves to perform impromptu magic whenever the mood strikes, whether at a restaurant or on the street, and every week he makes it a point to perform somewhere in Los Angeles that he’s never been before. “The best thing about magic is that it can happen anywhere, any time, “ says Jackson, “and I’m always able to make a connection with people, and make new friends.”

There is that certain ‘something’ about magic, be it the puzzle that needs to be figured out, the belief in something beyond the ordinary, or as Jax puts it; “A great magician is someone who can make another person wonder “Wait, did I just see something impossible?”

“I’m sure every performer will always remember the first time he or she performed for an audience.” Jackson continues, “For me, that moment was in a hotel room in Las Vegas. I’ve always participated in sports, and I played basketball in high school and college. So, one time I was at a basketball camp in Las Vegas, and I was sitting around in the hotel room one night, bored, not really knowing what to do, and I decided to take out my cards and practice a little bit. Two of my teammates were there, so I showed them the first card trick I ever learned, and it floored them. Soon I had everyone from the neighboring rooms crammed inside our small room in order to see something magical, all smiling and laughing from astonishment. That was when I realized the power that magic had -- to be able to bring a wonderful and exciting feeling into other people’s lives.”

“Another big moment for me was when I was accepted into the Magic Castle Junior Society, a very select group of young magicians. The auditions are very competitive, and I was a bit nervous beforehand, because I was performing for a room full of professional magicians acting as judges. I’ll never forget the moment I opened the letter and found I was admitted. I’m very thankful to my mentor, a great close-up magician and friend named Steve Silverman, who prepared me for that, and who continues to inspire and encourage me.”

Jackson has performed street magic in New York, Florida, San Francisco and almost every neighborhood in Los Angeles, a close-up show regularly at the Magic Castle in Hollywood, and parlor magic at events sponsored by L. A. County Dept. of Family Services, Ronald McDonald House, Union Station, and others, as well as numerous private events. “I also performed a stage magic routine in a play staged at Colby College in Maine.” Jax added.

I was unfamiliar with the term “close-up magic” and asked Jackson to explain what the term meant. “Close up magic is very intimate magic, shown to a small group in almost any setting.” Jax told me, "while parlor magic is done in a larger setting with a larger audience, so the effects must be visible from a greater distance. Stage magic is always done, of course, on a stage, so the props and effects must be larger and have impact at an even greater distance. The magic usually gets “larger” as the audience does.”

Future plans include expanding his magic to include wonder on a very large scale. “I’m also in the process of making a movie about magic.” he says “and I’m very excited about my internet project, which will enable people all over the world to interact with me and experience something magical. I plan to launch this project on the web this summer.”

What do you want to say to your fans? “Your smiles are what started me, and your smiles are what keep me going. Thank you. I have a goal to bring a special moment to every single person in the world. Yes, everyone!”

A show schedule is posted on line at . Regular performs at the Magic Castle in Hollywood for the weekend brunch shows, as well as impromptu street magic all around Los Angeles. “I’m also developing something for the internet where everyone, anywhere, can interact with me and have something magical happen. I’ll keep you posted on that!”
Issue Two May 2009