MSM: The 411

Main Street Magazine Information

· Main Street Magazine is an independent lifestyle magazine.
· Main readers are women between 25 and 40 years old
· Distributed in the GTA area through local newspapers as well as various drop points.
· Monthly, free publication
· Available via regular postal service outside of the GTA area
· Sending monthly copies across Canada, parts of the USA and globally, due to popular demand.
Recently voted hottest new lifestyle magazine.

First issue launched September 2009.

Monthly Features

Please visit the website for all the features.

A Novel Idea. Review/information on various books by the owner of Daniel Boucher

Chef of Merit: Each month a new Canadian Chef is featured. Written an Interviewed by Tilly Rivers.

Main Street Music Scene: Interviews / reviews on Canadian talent by radio host D’Anise Marie of the “new morning Show”

That’s the Spirit: Reviews and opinions’ on various alcohol by Clare Jackson.

Lily’s Garden of Fire: Our version of the ‘sunshine girl’- male, sexy and fun

Sweet Nothings: Each month a new erotic short story by various authors are featured.

Two Sense: The consumer’s voice on various products.

Loving and Living Life by Stephen Szucs: Each story brings you tongue in cheek humor while travelling the globe.

The She Spot: Written by Cathy Broadbent, you will want to come back each month to discover what ‘sexy’ truths Cathy has discovered, from golf to renovating

Events; Free event listing. Limited space

Reviews: Games, movies, gizmos and gadgets.

Fashion Sense: Budget fashion tips for the family.

Wine Talk: The grape guy Michael Pinkus talks about wine.

NewEach Month MSM brings a new element to the magazine, September issue hosted the “Real Ladies” photo shoot and the October issue has body painter Ark Angel.

My Story: Cancer can be beaten!

My Story
Cancer can be beaten
Tilly Rivers

Roll back time: The year is 2005.
I thought it was the flu. It sure seemed like ‘flu like’ symptoms to me, after a few days I went to the doctor, she did not seem concerned either, routine blood work, tests. Something abnormal showed up in my blood test, they want more tests, another doctor.

This was the cycle of my life for awhile, tests, doctors. Finally I sat in a room, I will never forget that day, although I forgot the doctor’s name, maybe because he did not seem like a ‘person’ at all, but a human robot that has been trained to deliver the worst news.

“I’m sorry Ms. Rivers,” he said in a voice that surely you had to practice, how can you sound so non-feeling, so ‘sterile?’- “there isn’t anything we can do.” I was told that I would have between six months and a year to live. I had a rare strain of leukemia.

I did a calculation in my head, if it was six months to the day, I would literally die on my birthday. I remember how devoid of colour the room was. I thought: this is the place they tell you-you are dying? Where’s the colour? The joy? Where are the signs of life? Where are the signs of hope and reminders of how beautiful live is?!

Like in the movies, the background disappeared, I knew he was still talking, home health care set up- words- but they faded, my own thoughts were much stronger, my mind yelled, NO, I have the flu for fuck sakes! I eat right, I exercise, I do not smoke, this is wrong, this is WRONG!

I left in a numb shock, torn between the greatest anger I have ever known, and the greatest sadness. I thought of my Mom, at the time we had just lost my father, I thought of my children, they still had so much living and loving to do, I thought of my siblings and family and friends and career.

I thought of how much I use to hate the winter, and cupped my hand and let the snowflake fall inside thinking it was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, and I thought again- that no, this is wrong, this can’t be the last time I see the snow fall!

I went home and cried. I cried with sobs that shook my body and hurt my soul. No, the word repeated inside me. There is a mistake.

There wasn’t.

I made the decision not to tell anyone, that I was going to be strong and not inflict pain and hurt on my family. Time pasted and I told my “x” thinking that he would need to be there for the kids. That turned out to be a mistake as he told them, his friends and everyone else. I told my Mom before someone else did.

I had no idea at the time that my mom was battling her own fight with cancer, colon cancer in the early stages, I am guessing, undedicated and unknown until 2009. She sat so quiet, strong for me, loving. Believing that her baby girl would be fine, having faith that all would be well.

I refused home health care; I was still capable of being me. I refused to give in. I went on with my life as if I wasn’t sick, I believed in my heart I wasn’t sick, I carried on with my writing career, I continued to run my publishing company. I LIVED!

Six months came and went, one year, than two—three. The stress of the publishing company was starting to get to me, I was feeling stressed and fatigued, and it was time to let it go. I learned a lot about me and my walk, that if it did not bring me happiness, it was not worth doing. When making any decisions I ask, will this make me happy? If the answer is no, or I don’t know, the answer is- don’t do it!

A great guy came in my life and we started another business together and a bonding friendship and love that can never be broken. I wrote books, hosted radio shows- continued to be successful while doing all the things I loved.

2009- I knew something was wrong. I was tired all the time, and was out-of-whack. My body was talking and I needed to listen. The cycle again, doctor’s, tests, new doctor’s, new tests. I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. The doctor was great, gentle, caring and wonderful! He explained that with my history the risks were high. I agreed to the emergency surgery. He did his duty an explained that there was a 90% chance that I would not survive the operation, a fact, that until now I kept to myself.

But I knew differently. I believe in life. I believe in smiles and love and the ultimate power of mind and energy, and I knew that it was not my time for the universe still wants me here! There was more love to give and receive and explore, more adventures in ultimate sexual connections, more of “everything”, I have so much more-living to do!

I had the operation on Tuesday, September 15, 2009. I came home Thursday, September 17, 2009!

Not only was the doctor able to scrap and remove all the yuck from my system that I did not invite or accept, but my blood is 100% NORMAL!

I went home believing I was cancer free.


Thank you for all the universal love that I was able to tap into. You are part of that love, each time you smile, laugh and give joy.

I refused to dwell on “sick’ and rarely spoke about it. Not once, but twice I refused to give in, instead I focused on seeing the blessings everyday, and in the end life blessed and will continue to bless me!

This is my story.
Today is September 24, 2009.
I will see you through out the next twenty years! Be sure to mark it in your calendar to watch!
Love and kisses ~T~

Meet the Team: Kara Elsberry

Kara Elsberry
Creative Director aka “Rain Designer”
P: 289-895-8735
F: 289-895-8826
Email: kara at rainent dot com
kara at mainstreetmagazine dot net

Who Is Kara Elsberry?
Kara Elsberry “artist’ a’la-perfecto!
Elsberry’s talent ranges from book covers to full children’s book designs, free lance art to graphic logos, as she so charmingly puts it ‘if you can dream it- she can design it!”
Elsberry has written several short stories that have been published in various e-books.
Besides being Creative Director of Rain Enterprises-Elsberry teaches kindergarten part-time at her local school.

Elsberry has a keen ability to take words and create a graphic masterpiece, from corporate logos, magazine layouts to t-shirts her eye for colour, beauty and passion is “fire!”
Day Off
Elsberry can be found adding yet another wonderful addition to her flower garden, or maybe you will catch her chasing fairies as she walks in the woods. Perhaps you will find her laughing with her two children or ‘raising hell’ with Tilly!

October Issue Updates

October Issue Updates
Sun at 3:28pm Edit Note Delete
The October issue of Main Street Magazine promises to be a blast!
Exclusive works and interview with Ark Angel!
Interview with Chef Dez!
D'Anise Marie interviews Mr. Flowas in Main Street Music Scene!
Daniel Boucher talks about Elisabeth Naughtan in A Novel Idea
Erin O'Riordan's Erotic Short Story: Beltane will be in this month's "Sweet Nothing"
Poet James Frank brings us "Play It By Ear" in Pennies
Welcome to our new writers Kelly Sash, Janice Collins and Louise Kana
You won't want to miss this month's "She Spot" article by Cathy Broadbent

Favorites Mike Pinkus, Stephen Szucs, and Clare Jackson once again bring the 'w' factor!

and so much more.......

Free Event Postings

Free Event Listings in Main Street
Tuesday, July 21, 2009 at 9:48am Edit Note Delete
If you are interested in adding an event that is happening in the Ontario/ Buffalo, Niagara Falls NY, parts of Michigan, parts of NY-areas to be included in the Main Street Magazine (beginning in September)- please send your request to events @ mainstreetmagazine.netPlease note:The event should have a thumbnail photo (high print dpi)- and a max of 50 wordsNO submissions will be accepted without full contact information Events listed are ALWAYS for the coming month NOT the current month!The deadline for the September issue is August 5- noon- for OCTOBER events The deadline for the October issue is September 5-noon - for NOVMBER eventsNot all events will be posted- event submissions will be chosen based on a first come, first serve basesThis is a free listing- one listing per event-per month.Space is filling quickly. Thank you.

Tue at 8:54am

MAIN STREET MAGAZINE is the magazine with a fresh new concept: "The magazine that YOU have been waiting for-Where intelligence is sexy-Where the men are eye candy-Where you are the expert- And the attitude is free."

MAIN STREET is the creation of Best Selling Author and Celebrity Host Ms. Tilly Rivers and friends!

The magazine that has reached thousands of readers online is now going to print this month, reaching thousands more.

Who reads MAIN STREET? Mostly Women & Men ages 20-45!!!

Main Street Magazine has only 2 ad sizes: Full page and Half page, all ads are full colour, we do not offer black and white ads.
Half page ads can be either horizontal or vertical on the page. We have a graphic designer if ads need to be created, there is of course an additional charge for this service.

Inside front cover full page ad :$1,200.00 + GST
Outside, or inside back cover full page ad: $1,200.00 + GST
Full page ad: $1,000.00 + GST
Half Page Ad; $500.00 + GST
Ads ran 3 months save 15%
Ads ran 6 months save 25%
Ads ran 12 months save 35%

If there is anyone who would like to be in the September issue, we are offering a half price first edition special for September only, ads must bein and 'print ready' by this Friday!

*Contact me now to place your ad:"
See you on MAIN STREET!"

In the news!

2009 Women’s Business Awards
Sunday, August 16, 2009 at 11:27am

2009 Women’s Business Awards

Tilly Rivers has been named the Entrepreneur of the Year!
Journalist; Tom Fellows

NY- It has been a great pleasure of mine to follow the career of Tilly Rivers. This lady is a role model for women of all ages, her zest for life is captured in any and all projects that she does.

Let’s take a look at her career path. In the beginning she started out doing free lance shorts for popular ‘adult’ magazines, soon her following grew and she wrote her first anthology “Seditious.” The book published by the Random House Group received modest reviews and success.

Her next group of erotica shorts titled “Salacious” hit the #1 best selling list fourteen days after its release.

Rivers daringly modeled in a few risqué adult magazines while dating a male model, while these photos are nudes she kept them tasteful and suggestive. She was also chosen in a few fashion shots, and of course has had many publicity photo shoots spanning her career. Her name soon became part of the celebrity list and the ‘who’s who’ of the celebrity world as the best selling author of erotic prose Salacious and Wisteria Moon.

Last year Tilly won the; "2007-08 Sexiest Radio Voice Award” for her new internet radio programs "Features,” and “Let’s Talk About It.” Her radio host career was fun, but short as she decided to focus on her roots. Writing.

Rivers opened her own publishing company for awhile, but decided the stress was too much taking a toll on her health, the company closed in April of 2008. Today Rivers is the CEO and founder of Rain Enterprises.

Rain Enterprises has the most talked about adult dessert line; “Frozen Vines” as well as represents the 'best-of-the best' products and services, and this year launched “Main Street Magazine.”

Main Street began as an Ezine, with thousands of hits per day. This should not be a surprise, her celebrity status and loyal fan following can not seem to get enough of this blonde. Her popularity continues to grow leaps and bounds. In the fall of this year Main Street Magazine goes to print, with rumors’ that she has had world wide requests for copies.

Her name; Tilly Rivers, has been said in jest would make a perfect 'tag word' for anyone seeking website traffic, as her influence and world celebrity status is becoming a house hold word.

Maybe she should sell her name to top search engines?

When asked how she will be holding up against the stress of running Rain Enterprises, she was reported as saying “What stress?” Frozen Vines, and our line of products is in the trusting hands of others, my focus is Main Street, which is a love not a stress.”

This award could not have gone to a more deserving person. Rivers surely must have invented “out of the box thinking.”

The secret to her success? Correction, successes? As soon as I find out I will let you know.

Or will I?

For more information about Main Street Magazine visit

Main Street Magazine is a free publication.

Not in the Burlington, Oakville or Milton area? No problem, you can still get a copy of Main Street Magazine!

Option 1
Simply send a self addressed stamped 10 x 13 envelope to:

Rain Enterprises
Main Street Magazine
Suite 222-2025 Guelph Line
Burlington, ON L7P 4X4

Option 2
Want to make sure you get all 12 issues? Send a cheque or money order of $25.00 Canadian Dollars for postage and handling, and your complete mailing/contact information and we will mail a copy every month. Please make payment out to: Rain Enterprises.

Rain Enterprises
Main Street Magazine
Suite 222-2025 Guelph Line
Burlington, ON L7P 4X4

Get your ads seen!


Friday, August 28, 2009 at 10:13am

Looking for great exposure for your company or business advertisement?

MAIN STREET MAGAZINE is the Hottest new Canadian Magazine that reaches thousands every month and will be reaching thousands more this Sept. with it's first print issues!

It's a fresh new magazine with a brand new concept, "The magazine that YOU have been waiting for-Where intelligence is sexy-Where the men are eye candy-Where you are the expert- And the attitude is free."

Main Street Magazine has 2 ad sizes: Full page and Half page, all ads are full colour, we do not offer black and white ads.

Half page ads can be either horizontal or vertical on the page.

We have a graphic designer if ads need to be created; there is of course an additional charge for this service.

Inside front cover full page ad : $1,200.00 + GST
Outside, or inside back cover full page ad: $1,200.00 + GST
Full page ad: $1,000.00 + GSTHalf Page Ad; $500.00 + GST

Ads ran 3 months save 15%
Ads ran 6 months save 25%
Ads ran 12 months save 35%

Get your advertisements seen by thousands each month! Main Street Magazine readers are most commonly women and men ranging from ages 20-45!

Please contact me to place your ad

See you on Main Street!