Free Event Postings

Free Event Listings in Main Street
Tuesday, July 21, 2009 at 9:48am Edit Note Delete
If you are interested in adding an event that is happening in the Ontario/ Buffalo, Niagara Falls NY, parts of Michigan, parts of NY-areas to be included in the Main Street Magazine (beginning in September)- please send your request to events @ mainstreetmagazine.netPlease note:The event should have a thumbnail photo (high print dpi)- and a max of 50 wordsNO submissions will be accepted without full contact information Events listed are ALWAYS for the coming month NOT the current month!The deadline for the September issue is August 5- noon- for OCTOBER events The deadline for the October issue is September 5-noon - for NOVMBER eventsNot all events will be posted- event submissions will be chosen based on a first come, first serve basesThis is a free listing- one listing per event-per month.Space is filling quickly. Thank you.