October Issue Updates

October Issue Updates
Sun at 3:28pm Edit Note Delete
The October issue of Main Street Magazine promises to be a blast!
Exclusive works and interview with Ark Angel!
Interview with Chef Dez!
D'Anise Marie interviews Mr. Flowas in Main Street Music Scene!
Daniel Boucher talks about Elisabeth Naughtan in A Novel Idea
Erin O'Riordan's Erotic Short Story: Beltane will be in this month's "Sweet Nothing"
Poet James Frank brings us "Play It By Ear" in Pennies
Welcome to our new writers Kelly Sash, Janice Collins and Louise Kana
You won't want to miss this month's "She Spot" article by Cathy Broadbent

Favorites Mike Pinkus, Stephen Szucs, and Clare Jackson once again bring the 'w' factor!

and so much more.......