
July 2009
Main Street magazine

What is an affirmation anyway? According to Wikipedia, an affirmation is the practice of positive thinking - fostering "a positive mental attitude supported by affirmations will achieve success in anything." For me however it is the life source that cures (coining a phrase from Louise L Hay) our “severe emotional malnutrition.”

Each day must of us “feed and water” ourselves as if we too are part of an outside source rather a wonderful person in whom is loved, and lovable. The pattern to criticize ourselves and the life in which we have created has become a habit as natural as breathing.

But what if, just for fun, we discovered that by starting with an affirmation everyday we could begin seeing a difference in the way you viewed yourself? What if, just for fun, we discovered self love and in doing so discovered so much more?

I ask you than to try these affirmations everyday for one month, to look yourself in the mirror each morning and repeat the affirmation (s) below.

It is okay if start off thinking it is hokey, it is okay if your start off not believing a word; what I would be interested in is what happens along the way. What happened at day 10? Day 20? What about at day 30?

Day One: I trust the process of life. Love is everywhere, I am loving and loveable.
Day Two: I allow my thoughts to be free. The past is released. Love is everywhere, I am loving and loveable.
Day Three: I am worthwhile. Love is everywhere, I am loving and loveable.
Day Four: I approve of myself. Love is everywhere, I am loving and loveable.
Day Five: I am a divine expression of life. Love is everywhere, I am loving and loveable.
Day Six: I now discover how wonderful I am. Love is everywhere, I am loving and loveable.
Day Seven: I lovingly take care of my body, my mind, and my emotions. Love is everywhere, I am loving and loveable.
Day Eight: I am welcome, wanted and deeply loved. Love is everywhere, I am loving and loveable.
Day Nine: It is safe for me to take care of myself. Love is everywhere, I am loving and loveable.
Day Ten: I love and accept myself at every age. Love is everywhere, I am loving and loveable.
Day Eleven: I am powerful and capable. Love is everywhere, I am loving and loveable.
Day Twelve: I choose to see my self worth. Love is everywhere, I am loving and loveable.
Day Thirteen: I am at peace with life. Love is everywhere, I am loving and loveable.
Day Fourteen: I forgive and release the past. Love is everywhere, I am loving and loveable.
Day Fifteen: I am a beautiful expression of life. Love is everywhere, I am loving and loveable.
Day Sixteen: Intelligence, courage and self worth are always present. Love is everywhere, I am loving and loveable.
Day Seventeen: It is safe for me to succeed. Love is everywhere, I am loving and loveable.
Day Eighteen: It is safe for me to experience joy in every area of my life. Love is everywhere, I am loving and loveable.
Day Nineteen: I accept all the pleasure life has to offer. Love is everywhere, I am loving and loveable.
Day Twenty: Only right and good action is taking place in my life. Love is everywhere, I am loving and loveable.
Day Twenty-One: I am wonderful just as I am. Love is everywhere, I am loving and loveable.
Day Twenty-Two: I am willing to experience life. Love is everywhere, I am loving and loveable.
Day Twenty-Three: My feelings are normal and acceptable. Love is everywhere, I am loving and loveable.
Day Twenty-Four: I choose to see with love. Love is everywhere, I am loving and loveable.
Day Twenty-Five: It is safe now for me to take charge if my own life. Love is everywhere, I am loving and loveable.
Day Twenty-Six: There is time and space for everything. Love is everywhere, I am loving and loveable.
Day Twenty-Seven: It is safe for me to express my feelings in a loving manner. Love is everywhere, I am loving and loveable.
Day Twenty-Eight: Every experience is perfect for my growth process. Love is everywhere, I am loving and loveable.
Day Twenty-Nine: I am free. Love is everywhere, I am loving and loveable.
Day Thirty: I calm my thoughts and I am secure. Love is everywhere, I am loving and loveable.