Review: The Secret

Main Street Magazine
June 2009 Issue

Life’s Garden

A look at the book everyone from Oprah to possibly your neighbor is talking about: “The Secret by Rhonda Byrne”

There are many hard core gardeners out there, from flowers to fruit and vegetables, blends maybe of all. We have magazines, websites and teaching tools to help us begin any type of garden, tips for the novice to the experienced gardener, gadgets and gismos some helpful, others not so much.

A mayonnaise product has begun a ‘real’ campaign, encouraging urban gardens. Farmers for years have been providing substance for us all to enjoy for years. Some gardeners pour over catalogues’ for just the right seeds, they plan, plant and tend their gardens carefully.

There are contests for the largest pumpkin, the tallest sunflower and so many more. My question is; wouldn’t it be great if people paid as much attention, time and detail to their “life’ garden?

Imagine if you could pick your life seeds? What would you plant? Would you make sure the soil was rich and tend to it daily? Would you watch it sprout with joy and magick? Would there be a ‘owweee’ when you taste the sweet flavor’s of your garden for the first time?

You can! You truly can have a life’s garden. You can pull out the weeds and plant a patch of you in this world the way you want it, plant success, plant happiness, plant love. Plant health and wisdom, you truly can have what ever your dream is.

If you have been sick-and-tired- of being sick-and-tired, if you have been praying for ‘something’- ‘anything’ to help you change your life; I highly recommend the book and DVD- The Secret by author Rhonda Byrne- it just may be the beginning of your life’s garden.